Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Finishing up the Demo!!

Well, looks like the time has come!
This Saturday at 8 am, we will be heading down to Brooklyn (3554 Helmstetter St. Brooklyn, MD) to tear down the rest of the building at The Post (community house of prayer). Devon applied for the demo permit last week and the inspector took one look at it and said, "Tear this thing down!"
There are three ways you can be involved (at this time!).
We are looking for any able bodied volunteers who can come down and pitch in a hand on Saturday morning. We will be loading up dumpsters with all the debris. The site has to be completely cleared and cleaned up by the end of the day. We will provide the dumpsters, the debris, trash bags, lunch and good laughs....we just need you, and your gloves, work boots and willing spirits!
We do not have the money to rent the dumpsters. We are stepping out in faith that the Lord will provide all that is needed. If you are feeling lead to donate towards the dumpster (it will cost approximately $1,000 plus paying the local community guys who we are hiring to help approximately $300), let us know! We are not set up as a 501C3 yet, so unfortunately it will not be a tax deductible donation.
If you can't make it Saturday morning, will you take time to intercede for the day. We know without prayer, we can do nothing. We want prayer to be at the foundation of all we do! So, whether it's 10 min or two hours...would you consider praying for the demo. Pray for safety. Pray for relationships to be built. Pray that there is unity. Pray that the love of Jesus is poured out on all of those who come to pitch in. Pray that we are all sensitive to the Holy Spirit and what He wants to accomplish in Brooklyn.

As we've prayed about the tearing down and rebuilding of the house of prayer, God has repeatedly made one thing clear, He will gather people from all over Baltimore to pitch in with the process. Just like when the Jerusalem wall was rebuilt, different people groups built different sections of the wall...we feel He will do something similar in Brooklyn.
Some of you may or may not know, we are taking a team of two dozen down to Brooklyn the week after Christmas on a service/missions trip. God has opened up doors for us down there. We will be serving the immediate three blocks that surround The Post. We will be doing home repairs, painting, cleaning, gift giving, VBS and even hair cuts and bug extermination! As we have met the neighbors down there, friendships have quickly been built. We had one family invite our whole team down for a cookout. We were blown away by an invitation to come into this community. We believe there is much more authority to serve in a place where we have been invited! (There will be some additional volunteer opportunities for you to serve this week if you're interested! More info to come!)

Please pass this letter onto anyone you may think would be interested in helping!

Thanks for standing with us!
In His Service,
Devon and Kristin Potler
and the Safehouse crew!

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