Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love Bombing

Love Bombing is a phrase we use to explain the process of making, serving and sharing a meal with folks we wouldn't normally. We have Love Bombed skateparks, impoverished neighborhoods, homeless and victims of sex trafficking (a more appropriate term for those caught in the prostitution business). It is something we are incredibly passionate about!
We challenge people that go with us to leave their agendas and five step plan to salvation speeches behind. We challenge them to ask questions and observe. Many of you know the famous quote by St. Francis of Assisi, "Preach the gospel everyday and if necessary, use words." We have all been humbled by what the Holy Spirit does when we let Him. How He unfolds conversations. How He softens the hearts of those we are feeding. How He shows His love through the act of service.
We had one man from our neighborhood join us one week to serve the skaters. His family had gone with us before, but he could not figure out what the heck we were doing going to a trashy skatepark to serve a bunch of punk kids food. He complained to his wife on the way there. As we set up the grill and began to collect trash and stuff it into bags, he wandered over to watch the boys skate. A couple of boys found their way next to him and began to pour out their life stories. He didn't ask questions...not his mojo. He listened. On the ride home he said to his wife, "I can't believe how desperate these boys were to have someone listen to them. I get why you guys go up there."
We've never preached a sermon to him or even told him about our faith...he hasn't asked. But, as we walk out our life in obedience to what Jesus has asked us to do, Jesus is doing it. Jesus is drawing men unto Him. Not us doing it...Him.
We are headed to Brooklyn (Baltimore) this Sunday to Love Bomb a bunch of folks near The Post, house of prayer. We will set up our grill, a table, food and invite people to share a meal with us. It's simple really. If you have a heart to see Baltimore changed through just loving people, and you're not really sure where to start, come join us! For more info email We'd love to have you!

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